Dingwall: St Clements Parish Church

Living Faith and Sharing Jesus

Useful Links

On this page you will find links that may be useful. When you click on a link it will take you to an external website the content of which does not in any way shape or form reflect views held by the minister, Kirk session or anyone at Dingwall: St. Clements. Users proceed on their own responsibility.


The Church of Scotland - The national denomination of which we are a part.

News from a Christian perspective

The Christian Institute - An organisation dedicated to Christian values

Christian Concern - In the same vein as the above

Christian Apologetics

Stand to Reason - This is a site that teaches about Christianity from a biblical perspective.

Cross examined - Dr. Frank Turek discusses issues relevant to Christians today from a biblical perspective.

What would you say? - A website that responds to some of the more difficult issues facing Christians today