Dingwall: St Clements Parish Church

Living Faith and Sharing Jesus

Childrens Ministry

          Steppy                                                                         Compy

At St. Clement's we recognise that 'Sunday School' is probably a thing of the past; for us ministry to children is the way forward so we have two groups that cater for children of primary school age, of all faiths and none, but with a very Christ centred ethos as one would expect from a living and active Christian Community.

The groups use a mixture of games, stories, singing, drama and crafts, to share the gospel message and at Christmas time put on a Nativity play and in the summer we perform a musical of some sort. Past shows have included Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat (adapted), and Jonah the Musical.

Each week the children pay a nominal £1 subscription that goes towards providing equipment and supplies for the weekly meeting. The Kirk Session recognise the importance of investing financially in this ministry and generously support this outreach.

Our leaders are drawn from the congregation and all who work with the children are members of the PVG Scheme.

Please use the contact page to get in touch if you want more information